QurbanMe – Social Network Apps

Qurbanme is Social Network Connecting Shohibul Qurban, Breeder, And Dhuafa Based Website Integrated By Google Maps.

Lots of people in Indonesia who could not eat the qurban meat on Eid al-Adha because of lack of information which makes uneven meat distribution especially in rural areas, remote areas, slum, poverty areas, also disaster affected  area. Meanwhile the qurban meat overflows in urban and village areas. It becomes the annually problem that Indonesian Muslim faced. Shohibul Qurban feels difficult in getting information about sales of qurban animals that appropriate to what it wanted. Breeder also does not reached the maximum revenue because of there is no massive marketing media and it is still traditional to use word of mouth marketing.

Based on those problems, the idea of making social network that fulfills needs of Shohibul Qurban, breeder, and Dhuafa which based website integrated by mapping of Google Maps appeared. This social network was built using PHP programming language, framework Laravel, MySQL database, and twitter bootstrap for user interface. This social network has communication services such as write status, give comment, and private message. This social network also shows distribution of Shohibul Qurban, breeder, and Dhuafa in each region with Google Maps, also could doing transaction of receipt and delivery of qurban animals through online proposal submission.


1. Finalist Jogja Startup Day,  Social Networking Apps, iQurban, 2013.

2. Nominator INAICTA Ministry of Communication and Informatics Republic of Indonesia. Final eInclusion, Social Networking Apps, 2014.


Ambar Setyawan



Tim Qurbanme bersama Menkominfo RI, Tifatul Sembiring.

CEO PT VILABS | Founder @arutalaid @clenovio | Digital Reality Technologist: AR VR MR, AI Hologram, Immersive Projection Mapping.

One thought on “QurbanMe – Social Network Apps

  • Terkadang media pemasaran dg memanfaatkan IT melalui media sosial mempunyai kelemahan secara visual sperti barang yg dipasarkan tidak sesuai realita yg ada,baik scara wujud ,kulitas barang besar/kecil,jumlah dll.

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